TMJ/TMD Treatment Overview - Neuromuscular Dentistry

TMJ/TMD Treatment Overview- Neuromuscular Dentistry

Improve your dental health & boost your self-confidence!

Headaches? Limited Jaw Opening? Facial Pain? Neck or Shoulder Pain?

TMJ / TMD Davidsville, Johnstown, & Somerset, PA TMJ / TMD in Davidsville, Johnstown, & Somerset, PA

What are “TMJ” / “TMD” Treatment?

Although it is starting to become a household term, TMJ is a non-specific, catch-all term for various pain and dysfunction conditions of the head and neck. It was initially named from the “Temporomandibular Joint,” your jaw joints that specialists once thought to be the source of most of these discomforts.

Today, we know that many causes of head and neck problems may be related to the Temporomandibular joint. For this reason, most dentists use the term TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders) to describe the condition more accurately. However, although dental professionals know it, many people are unaware that TMJ dentists provide treatment for common ailments that cause head, jaw, and neck pain. Dr. Ernest J. Mantini, DMD will provide a personalized consult for TMJ / TMD patients in Davidsville, Somerset, Johnstown, and throughout Pennsylvania to assess the best course of treatment.

You may typically think of several TMJ / TMD symptoms as medical conditions unrelated to dentistry. This text will explain what they are, why they may involve your dentist, and how the dentist would diagnose and treat them.

Are You Suffering From Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)?

Symptoms and signs of TMD

Pain and dysfunction of the head, jaw, and neck are widespread nowadays. Depending upon the circumstances, head and neck pain might be fixed with ease or might be very complex to treat. Dr. Mantini can help to determine the cause of these ailments.

The bite may be a factor in many different types of discomfort or functional issues because of the inter-relationship of the musculoskeletal system. There is a strong relationship between the teeth, jaw joints, head muscles, neck muscles, and head posture. A problem in these areas may affect the other sites. These problems can include painful popping or clicking of the jaw joint, head and neck pain, swallowing difficulties, postural issues, sleep apnea, and excessive snoring.

Suppose Dr. Mantini suspects that you suffer from this type of problem. In that case, he may ask you if you have any of the symptoms shown below.

Ernest J. Mantini, DMD & Rocco M. Mantini, DMD

Davidsville Dental Office:

316 N Main St
Davidsville, PA 15928
Phone: (814) 479-4525

Johnstown Dental Office:

571 Cypress Ave
Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 536-4804

TMJ / TMD Treatment

Colgate® Optic White® Teeth Whitening

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Musculoskeletal Signs and Symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Jaw joint pain
  • Jaw joint noise or clicking
  • Limited mouth opening
  • Ear congestion
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loose teeth
  • Clenching or grinding
  • Facial pan
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Chewing difficulties
  • Neck pain
  • Postural problems
  • Tingling of the fingertips
  • Hot and cold sensitivity of teeth
  • Nervousness or insomnia

TMJ / TMD treatment Davidsville, Johnstown, & Somerset, PAIn addition, Dr. Ernest Mantini will look for several signs in your posture, the appearance and condition of your teeth, and existing bite that may aid in the patient’s diagnosis. An imperfect bite often plays a major role in these conditions. A dentist experienced in treating them may resolve the problem. However, diagnosing these issues can be challenging at times. It may require collective efforts from Dr. Mantini and other health care professionals in Davidsville & Johnstown, PA.

Some may include your physician, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, physical therapist, chiropractor, or massage therapist, to name just a few.

TMJ/TMD Treatment

An orthotic is a custom-made appliance fabricated of plastic that the patient wears over or fixed to the teeth to preserve the neuromuscularly derived bite position. At this point, nothing else needs to be done to alter your teeth or your bite permanently. Instead, you typically wear this plastic appliance for a prescribed period to verify that this new jaw position solves or reduces the problem. If it does, it has been proven that the imperfect bite was the cause of the problem. Then, you may elect to go on and have your natural teeth treated to maintain that new bite permanently.

If symptoms are not substantially alleviated, the bite position is probably not the cause of the problem. In addition, your natural bite has not been altered, and Dr. Ernest Mantini may explore different causes. However, this circumstance is not likely because Dr. Mantini will only proceed with an orthotic if there is strong evidence that the bite is a significant factor in your problem.

Personalized Dental Consult with Dr. Mantini

Dr. Mantini will consider all of the information gathered by taking your history and physically examining your teeth, head, and neck. Dr. Ernest Mantini identifies a jaw position while the jaw muscles are relaxed. The jaw position and the corresponding new bite are called neuromuscular occlusion. Contact Ernest J. Mantini, DMD & Rocco M. Mantini, DMD today at (814) 479-4525 (Davidsville) or (814) 536-4804 (Johnstown) to schedule a personalized TMJ / TMD consult to discuss the best course of treatment. We treat TMJ / TMD patients from Davidsville, Johnstown, Somerset, Ebensburg, Portage, PA and many surrounding areas.

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