Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Treatment Davidsville, Johnstown, Somerset, PA | Root canal therapyYour tooth will be examined and an x-ray taken to diagnose your problem and to decide upon the proper root canal treatment. We will discuss the cause of your problem, the prognosis, the treatment sequence, and any needed follow-up. Our dentists, Drs. Ernest and Rocco Mantini, treat many patients for root canals from Davidsville, Johnstown, Somerset, and many surrounding areas.

If necessary, a local anesthetic will be given. Your tooth will then be isolated to keep it clean and dry during treatment. Access into the root canal will be made through a small hole on the biting surface of your tooth. The root canal(s) will be debrided (cleaned) and shaped before being filled. A biologically compatible material called gutta percha will be used to fill the canals. In rare situations where conventional root canal(s) treatment is not possible, your tooth may require surgery. If necessary, this will be discussed in greater detail.

Common Root Canal Questions:

What are the alternatives to endodontic treatment?
Extraction is the only alternative. Replacing a missing tooth with an artificial one requires more costly dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth. If the tooth is not replaced, adjacent teeth may drift. Drifting can lead to bone loss, periodontal disease (gum disease treatment, or TMJ / TMD dysfunction.

What caused the problem with my tooth?
Common causes of pulpal damage are decay, fractures, traumatic injury, repeated fillings, and occasionally periodontal disease (gum disease treatment).

Will my root be removed
The tooth pulp or dental nerve in the root canals system will be removed, not your root. The root will remain intact to support the tooth.

Does endodontic treatment hurt?
With the use of modern anesthetics, root canal therapy involves little or no discomfort during treatment. There is often pain before treatment and endodontic therapy provides relief.

Will there be pain after the procedure?
Manipulating a tooth causes inflammation. It is common to experience soreness in the area and sensitivity to pressure for several days following treatment. Pain medication will be prescribed if necessary.

What are the benefits of endodontic treatment?
Endodontic treatment saves teeth that would otherwise be extracted. There is no real substitute for your own tooth!

Schedule A Personalized Root Canal Therapy Consult!

Drs. Rocco and Ernest Mantini will provide a personalized dental consult to see if root canals is the best course of treatment. Contact our dental team, at Ernest J. Mantini, DMD & Rocco M. Mantini, DMD today at (814) 479-4525 (Davidsville) or (814) 536-4804 (Johnstown) to schedule an appointment. We treat root canal patients from Davidsville, Johnstown, Somerset, Ebensburg, Portage, PA and many surrounding areas.

To learn more about our practice, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Ernest J. Mantini, DMD & Rocco M. Mantini, DMD

Davidsville Dental Office:

316 N Main St
Davidsville, PA 15928
Phone: (814) 479-4525

Johnstown Dental Office:

571 Cypress Ave
Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: (814) 536-4804

TMJ / TMD Treatment

Colgate® Optic White® Teeth Whitening

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